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Phone Hacking

Covert remote access

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Digital accounts

Meta / X / FB

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Encrypted Messenger

Password / SAN bypass

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Email hacking

Cloud / Private / Outlook

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Database Editing

Scores, grades, records

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Website Hacking

Root access / DDoS

Find Hacker Services

Trusted Find a Hacker Services since 2016

Website Hacking

Take control and manage private or commercial websites.

School Servers

Hire hacker professionals to edit grades and diplomas.

DMV & Credit scores

Find hacker services can edit DMV and credit scores in US and Canada.

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Computer Hacking

Find a hacker to access private Desktops, Laptops or Tablets.

Email Accounts

Find a hacker to access Cloud-based, Private or Outlook accounts.

Technical Audit

Vulnerability assessments are available for new or unexplored targets.

iphone hacker, android hacker, phone hacking

Full service phone hackers

iPhone / Android hacking

We offer the covert installation through zero-click and trans-provider methods.

We also manage the portal that you access the hacker software through. Enjoy 24/7 live technical support while using our products.


Keylogging: Very small application that periodically sends you a print out of every "text-tap" made on the infected phone. Excellent for capturing passwords, names, numbers or anything typed on the device.

Passive Viewing

Passive viewing: Is just what the name implies; the ability to secretly monitor in real time everything the target-phone displays. You cannot interact, simply watch and record everything the victim sees while using their phone.

Data Dumps

Data dumping: is a forceful and overt attack on a smartphone that involves downloading the phone's entire storage for offline viewing. This process collects all documents, pictures, videos, messages, contacts, and any other data stored on the phone.

Remote Control

Full remote: This is real-time viewing plus the ability to interact with the device exactly as the phone's user does via a virtual replica of the target phone with a simple point-and-click interface. Access to all apps, messengers, files, 2FA bypass, GPS, cameras, microphone, etc.

Meta Accounts

Here you can find a hacker to hack Instagram and Facebook accounts.
SAN alerts are bypassed.

Social Hacking

Here you can hire hacker to hack all social media accounts.
SAN alerts are bypassed.

X and Discord

By using employing company human assets, we can recover or possess most Discord or X accounts.

Patreon | Youtube

We at "Find Hackers" have exclusive access to Patreon | Youtube assets that can change account status or reset passwords.

Contact us

Find hacker | Social Media Hacking

Find, either through direct hacking or by reaching out to our numerous platform employee assets, can modify status, reset passwords, or recover ownership of any social media account worldwide.

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Find Hacker - Android & iPhone Hacking

Passive Viewing Passively watch or record the target phone's screen in real time as the user does.

Full Access Passive viewing + control over files, applications, and utilities.

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Find Hacker Professionals

Find a hacker network We represent a collaborative alliance of multinational hacker teams with a global reach. Our membership boasts a rich tapestry of diversity, encompassing various cultural backgrounds, as well as a wide array of specialized skills and cutting-edge technologies that each member brings to the forefront. This remarkable diversity empowers us to provide you with the absolute zenith of contemporary cybersecurity solutions. By combining our distinctive expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, we are committed to ensuring that your unique needs are not only met but exceeded with the utmost satisfaction.

Find Hacker here

Find a Hacker Market

The information market is a significant global industry that encompasses various professionals, including hackers, crackers, phonejackers, data brokers, intelligence specialists, and many others. As longstanding members of the Find Hacker community, we have established trust and partnerships with numerous assets.
Consequently, we can consistently connect you with a hacker who can offer the specific services you need.

Hire Hacker here
Find hacker, find a hacker, hire hacker, hire a hacker Professionals.

Online Hackers

All private accounts require a password to access. We can obtain or reset the password so that only you can access the account.

We also bypass most 2FA such as suspicious activity notices (SANs) and even SMS bypass through the phone carrier.


Find hacker, find a hacker, hire hacker, hire a hacker Professionals.

Hire Hacker Hub

This remarkable service is the result of a successful collaboration between ApophisSquad (Ukraine), Voyniks (Switzerland), and NSO (Israel).


  • Igor Sikorsky - Ки́ївський політехні́чний інститу́т
    37, Prospect Beresteiskyi, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056
Yes. I have reviewed the Prices and TOS..