
The prices are in United States Dollar (USD), payable in Bitcoin BTCBitcoin or Monero XMRMonero.
Read our Terms of Service

Possible 2FA

 Possible SAN

Email Accounts ETC 1-2 days

    Webmail: Gmail, MSN, Yandex: $250
    Private domain: $300 +
    Other: quote

Social Media Accounts ETC 1-2 days

    Meta accounts : $300
    Encrypted messengers: = Phonejacking
    Other: quote

PhoneJacking ETC 3-4 days

  • Keylogger: $100 /week
  • Passive Viewing: $350 /week
  • Remote Control : $1000 /week

Database Modifications ETC 1 week

  • University grades: $1000-$5000 (no Ivy Leagues) +
  • Driving records (US/Can: $500 +
  • Credit Report Editing (big three): $3000

Custom made Viruses, RATS & Services

Two-Factor Authentication Bypass (2FA) and (SAN)

  • SAN bypass (carrier): $150
  • 2FA bypass: = Phonejacking